The Beauty of Real Ice Cream

Ice cream entrepreneur Netta Hadari talks about his passionate quest to create real ice cream, commercially produced with amazing flavors and no artificial ingredients or stabilizers. And... when you care about social justice, why does ice cream matter? 

Sanctuary Kitchen

Hear from Sanctuary Kitchen co-founder Sumiya Kahn about this new organization that helps talented refugee cooks connect with their new communities by offering cooking classes, supper clubs and starting food businesses. Fatema, a warm and charming cook who is a refugee from Syria, shares her impressions of life and food in America, and her family recipe for Basbousa, a semolina yogurt cake, soaked in rose and orange flower water syrup. A wonderful balance of real life and sweet pleasures. 

Healing from History: Holland & the Holocaust

Host Tagan Engel, and more than 40 members of her family traveled to Holland for a holocaust memorial in honor of her grandmother Selma Wynberg Engel and the Wynberg family. Guest Saul Fussiner joins Tagan to discuss their shared history as grandchildren of survivors, and how people and societies try and heal from genocide. Saul also shares about the Facing History Facing Ourselves Curriculum he uses as a high school teacher.

Workers Rights

Four restaurant workers, Oscar, Antonio, Ivan and Raffael shed light on the abusive working conditions they experienced at a local restaurant. Together with two other workers they filed a federal law suit in April 2017 with support from Unidad Latina en Acción and New Haven Legal Assistance Association. 

Afro Seder & Y-Love Hip Hop

A Black Jewish liberation passover seder at Soul Fire Farm draws on the parallel stories of Moses and Harriet Tubman to honor the struggle for freedom. Hip Hop and wise words from Y-Love, a talented rapper who is Black, Latino, Jewish and Gay... and you should hear him spit in Yiddish. And as always some fabulous recipes including Haitian Liberation Soup and Pavlova with Pink Grapefruit Curd & Cherries.