Stories of food, radical love & creative social justice.

Radio. Podcast. Writing. Recipes. 

Supporting Food Entrepreneurs w/ReSET & CitySeed

Supporting Food Entrepreneurs w/ReSET & CitySeed

Cara Santino of CitySeed and Katrice Claudio of ReSET.

Hello friends, welcome back to The Table Underground! This is the first episode in our 2025 relaunch of this radio show, podcast and website where we cover - stories of food, radical love, and creative social justice. We are now airing on WPKN community radio, 89.5FM in Bridgeport, CT, and wherever you get your podcasts! 

Our first new episode is a topic near and dear to my heart with two friends and colleagues working to support emerging food businesses. Starting a food business is a passion project and dream for many people, but to be really successful at it, you need to do more than just cook delicious food. Low income entrepreneurs, including Black and Brown folks and recent immigrants can often face additional challenges around funding, mentorship and the social capital needed to build a successful business. 

Our guests for this episode are Cara Santino, Director of Food Business Development at CitySeed in New Haven, CT and Katrice Claudio, Food Program Manager at ReSET in Hartford. They joined us to talk about the skills and tools they use to support food business start-ups and give them a leg up on their delicious but challenging journeys.

Katrice Claudio of ReSET, Cara Santino of CitySeed, and Tagan Engel Host of The Table Underground in studio in New Haven, CT

Muslims Of The World - MOTW Cafe

Muslims Of The World - MOTW Cafe