Stories of food, radical love & creative social justice.

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Muslims Of The World - MOTW Cafe

Muslims Of The World - MOTW Cafe

Listen to this story as part of the full episode of Seasoned from CT Public Radio

Usama Aslam talks to customers at MOTW (Muslims of the World) Coffee and Pastries in downtown New Haven. (Photo Ryan Caron King/Connecticut Public)

On this episode of SEASONED (CT Public Radio) Producer Tagan Engel visits a brand new coffee shop in New Haven called MOTW Coffee and Pastries. Its larger organization, Muslims of the World, began on Instagram with a mission around illuminating "the lives of Muslim individuals through their own stories. This digital space blossomed into a haven, celebrating resilience, faith, and the shared humanity that binds us all." Tagan speaks with the sibling co-owners about the shop and their specialty: traditional Yemeni chai.

Seasoned —  March 6, 2024

Supporting Food Entrepreneurs w/ReSET & CitySeed

Supporting Food Entrepreneurs w/ReSET & CitySeed

Eritrean Coffee Ceremony

Eritrean Coffee Ceremony